Losing the Cape by Dan Stanford (Moody Publishers, 2018)

Losing the Cape…the world needs you and me, not super heroes!

Losing the Cape—isn’t that a great title?!  That’s the name of Dan Stanford’s new book—Losing the Cape.  It’s all about letting go of the misconception that, to make a difference in the world, you and I have to somehow be more than we are…more talented, smarter, richer, better looking, more this, more that.

Instead, as Dan writes, “When we place what’s in our hands into God’s hands, the ordinary becomes extraordinary” (p. 132).  That’s what makes us super!  No, we’re not “super heroes”; we’re just plain old ordinary people doing extraordinary things like serving the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, befriending the lonely, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with a world that needs this good news more than ever.

The message of Losing the Cape is such a refreshing message in a world that glorifies super heroes and celebrities.  “If I could just be like so-in-so…  If I had all their talent, all their money, all their fame…”  No, you and I have everything we need to make a difference in the world.  The problem is that we’re not using all that we’re given to actually make a difference.

I’m convicted by this truth.  I know what my insecurities are, what my excuses are, what my doubts are.  “Does God really need me?  There are so many others who write, counsel, minister.  God doesn’t need me.”  That’s the script that sometimes runs through my head and heart.  Then God lovingly reminds me, Shannon, what are you waiting for?!  C’mon, get moving!

What are you putting off?  What insecurities and excuses are holding you back?

Start talking to God about His plan for your life.  Open your eyes, your mind, and your heart to the possibilities around you—the opportunities that exist right now for you to make a difference in the life of someone you know, in your community, and beyond.  Dan gives us lots of practical ideas in Losing the Cape, but one of my favorite quotes sums it up: “You have a corner of the world that desperately needs your prayers, influence, time, love, and resources” (p. 90).  A little goes a long way!

No super hero (or heroine) cape needed!

And, as Dan writes, lose the cape!  You are not a super hero and don’t need to pretend to be a super hero. You are plenty powerful enough to do way more in this world than any comic book or big screen super hero ever could.  Those fictional characters make for great entertainment, but it’ll be you and me who really save the world, and we won’t need a cape or special powers to do it.  We’ll just need to answer God’s call in our life, accept His help, and get busy saving lives in ordinary ways that make extraordinary change!

Way to go, Dan!

Dan, I love your book!  I’ll be telling everyone in my circles about it in hopes that they will get a copy for themselves and another copy for someone they want to inspire to #losethecape.

Friends, you’ll love Dan’s entertaining style of writing, his stories, and his vast and humorous knowledge of fictional super heroes.  Seriously…Super Man, Wonder Woman, the Avengers, X-Men, Batman, Underdog, the Martian Manhunter…they’re all here.  The guy knows his super heroes!

Losing the Cape by Dan Stanford (Moody Publishers, 2018)

Losing the Cape: The Power of the Ordinary in a World of Superheroes

I want to especially encourage the Moms and Grandmoms I know…buy a copy of this book for your teenage and young adult children and grandchildren.  They will instantly connect with the super hero theme of this book.  They’ll also read about some really cool heroes of the Bible…Peter, Jonathan, Nehemiah, and Elisha among them.  So, take a look at the book, and see what you think!

Happy reading everybody! 

By the way…for fun, who were some of your favorite fictional super heroes growing up?  I’m totally thinking “Here I come to save the day!”  Do you know which super hero was famous for saying that?

Before you go…

Share your thoughts below in the comments section.  I’ll do my best to get those posted as quickly as possible.

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Losing the Cape: The Power of Ordinary in a World of Superheroes (2018), author: Dan Stanford @TheDanStanford, publisher: Moody Publishers @moodypublishers